Adrift In Sin
by Barbara Philbrook

I was wandering around adrift in sin,
when Jesus opened the Bible and invited me in.

He opened my eyes so I could see,
then He opened my mind giving wisdom to me.

Words I had read before without comprehension,
suddenly had meaning and dimension.

I saw a logic I never perceived in the past,
God's word was talking to me at last.

Telling me of a love I'd never experienced before,
revealing truths I couldn't ignore.

Explaining even one such as I have worth,
disclosing God knew me prior to birth.

I may have been forsaken or given away,
but God would reclaim me if I'd but pray.

He provided the faith for me to believe,
hungrily I bowed down to receive.

To accept what was being offered to me,
what I had been searching for incessantly.

What I had hungered for craved from within,
unconditional love and forgiveness of sin.

Everything I'd been seeking found in this place,
all bound together in a gift called Grace.

All being offered freely to me,
if I would but call out to God submissively.

I knelt I called I greedily received,
instantly all of my guilt and shame were relieved.

I now live for Jesus day by day,
willingly lovingly surrendering to Him all the way.

Sharing with the world what He's done for me,
in hopes that many more will see.

See the truths revealed in His Holy Word,
so their hearts too can be spurred.

Spurred into accepting God's loving gift,
no longer on the sea of sin adrift.

I was wandering adrift in sin,
till Jesus opened His arms and invited me in. 

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