A Fresh New Start
by Barbara Philbrook

A fresh new start with a guilt free heart,
as from the road of the burdened I depart.

Have you been toiling along that burdened road?
It is time to be forgiven and your guilt to unload.

Forgiveness from God or man was easier to accept,
but when I finally forgave myself I deeply wept.

I hadn't even realized forgiveness of self was a necessity,
but it was a hindrance in my life you see.

It held me back wouldn't allow me to grow,
and that it existed I didn't even know.

It was through the loving wisdom of another,
a fellow Christian, a God anointed brother.

God placed on his heart the words to say,
then opened my mind to receive it in the clearest way.

The truth offered and lovingly received,
I went to my Father so from this burden I'd be relieved.

Praise God for listening and answering me,
for now I can grow into what God intends me to be.

A fresh new start and I am overjoyed.
I praise God for the understanding instead of my getting annoyed.

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