A Glimmer of Light
by Barbara Philbrook

A glimmer of light when things look grim.
Just a reminder we are watched over by Him.

A little hope where none appeared before.
Just to let us know it's us He's watching out for.

Letting us know who is in control,
and who has been since we surrendered our soul.

Proving to us our welfare is important to Him,
since the day we opened our heart and invited Him in.

Using us in a way we never knew He could.
Making us into the new people He said He would.

Having us spread the word to one and all,
so others may hear and heed the call.

Allowing us to spread the salvation story.
Proving once again He deserves all the honor and glory.

A glimmer of light to show us the way,
as we face life's trials day by day.

The way He intended us to go since before our birth.
The way that would show us we had some inner worth.

Yes our heavenly Father knew all along what we were to do,
and He also has some plans especially for you .

Won't you ask God to show you the way,
by inviting Him into your heart today?

Invite Him in and receive that same glimmer of light.
He'll start changing you from within and make your life right.

A glimmer of light in a world dark and grim.
A world that glows more brightly since knowing Him.

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