A Heart Is Beating
by Barbara Philbrook

A heart is beating I saw it today.
I am so thrilled because God heard as we knelt to pray.

My baby's being formed in my womb as I speak.
I know because in the ultrasound I got a peek.

I am so thrilled and filled with anticipation.
God answered prayers that were filled with desolation.

I'll not worry over what's happened in the past.
I want my happiness to constantly last.

I want my baby to form in happy surroundings,
with sounds of joy and praise resounding.

No fears, no worry, nor trying to hurry this birth,
just peace, praise and feelings of love and worth.

Reading of and feeling God's precious love,
any reminders that this baby is protected from above.

I'll tell this baby daily how God loves them before they're born,
and that from birth through eternity that love goes on.

How nothing separates us from His love,
how Jesus paid for our sins and is making a home above.

I'll share the joy that is filling my heart,
and all of the love within that I wish to impart.

A heart is beating and I am filled with elation.
I know the angels too are singing in jubilation.

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