A Living Savior
by Barbara Philbrook

A living Savior is sitting on the throne today,
and He sent a Comforter to help us along the way.

A living Savior who died for you and me,
He paid for our sins to set us free.

He is our advocate with the Father above,
intervening for us purely out of love.

The price of sin is death for eternity,
but Jesus paid the price for you and me.

Now we don't deserve it not in any way,
but it is given to all who bow and pray.

Upon acceptance we become adopted sons too,
and the Holy Spirit now resides within you.

We have a Teacher, an Interpreter and Guide,
we have a constant reminder living inside.

We have faith, truth and love galore,
and if we have need He'll provide even more.

We no longer face life all alone,
we have The Holy Spirit within us our Bible has shown.

We are to surrender daily and get the work done,
then we can go home to be with God and His Son.

A living Savior waiting for us to come home,
waiting to greet us with the purest love ever known.

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