Alleluiah Heavenly Father
by Barbara Philbrook

Alleluiah Heavenly Father is a cry of adoration,
a  meager Thank You for Your dispensation.

Thank You Father for Blessing me,
for opening my eyes so Your truths I'd see.

Thank You for the strength to get through trials,
and for not meeting needs with denials.

Thank You for the wisdom so I could learn,
salvation is free not something I could earn.

Thank You for allowing Jesus to pay the price,
I know that You suffered through this great sacrifice.

To not retaliate for what He went through,
had to be terribly restrictive for You.

To give Your own Son for the salvation of man,
only absolute love could conceive such a plan.

A God so awesome and deserving of the best,
yet You continually cherish those of us who failed every test.

You love us in spite of our every imperfection,
and of all who call out to You not one meets with rejection.

Alleluiah Heavenly Father we offer You our praise,
and will continue to do so for all of our days.

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