All Glory, Praise and Honor
by Barbara Philbrook

All glory, praise and honor Father belong to Thee,
how can I convey to others what You've done for me.

How can I make the hurting know You love them too?
How can I direct the starving to You?

I want the pain in others to suddenly disappear,
I want to show them You hold them each very dear.

I want to nourish those that hunger, not even realizing their need,
I want them to know they too can succeed.

I want to satisfy their innermost thirst,
and teach them they must consciously choose You first.

Oh Father the desire to share burns inside of me,
I beg you Father never extinguish the desire to serve Thee.

Give me the wisdom to help those who are seeking to find,
let me assure them they are truly Thine.

Thank you heavenly Father for the life I've lived,
it helps me have more compassion to give.

Thank you for the trials and strife,
it makes others know I understand their pain filled life.

Thank you for reaching so far down to lift me up,
Thank you for not only filling but overflowing my cup.

Thank you Father for each and everything that You do,
but Thank you most Father for being You!

Yes all glory, praise and honor are heaven bound,
I shall be forever grateful for your love which I have found.

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