All I Offer
by Barbara Philbrook

All I offer are gifts God has for you,
they are yours to accept if you want to.

I can not force on you what I have to give,
but I promise the offer will be open as long as I live.

I offer unconditional love from deep in my heart,
Jesus abides there and promises He'll never depart.

I offer compassion and a caring ear,
if you need to talk I am waiting to hear.

I offer sympathy and complete understanding,
I've been hurt too, yet on my feet I keep landing.

I offer whatever strength that will help you to succeed,
God has promised to meet our every need.

I offer my words that they may give you hope to go on,
that they may remind you God is there to lean upon.

All I offer are the gifts God gives us from above,
all poured out to us because of his perfect love.

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