All Is Well
by Barbara Philbrook

"All is well with my soul,"
because my heavenly Father is in control.

It does not matter what others see,
or even what appears to be.

It does not matter if things seem to be going wrong,
I shall praise my heavenly Father with a song.

I know my God has a great master plan,
and that He has each one of us in the palm of His hand.

I know there are things that I can not control on my own,
but His way for me is marked and clearly shown.

Oh I may stumble but I'll never actually fall,
because my Savior hears when on Him I call.

I need not change things over which I have no say,
Jesus sent the Spirit to do that in His own way.

I surrender daily and new things are revealed as needed,
Oh how I praise God that His beckoning I heeded.

That beckoning is going on right now for you,
won't you respond to the Savior too?

Invite Him within to be in control,
then you too will be saying "All is well with my soul".

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