A Mistaken Conception
by Barbara Philbrook

A mistaken conception may be what I've given,
that if one accepts salvation, a pain free life they'd be living.

No. No, that is not what I am telling you,
as a matter of fact the opposite is quite true.

The enemy will be trying this point to make,
that in accepting God you've made a mistake.

He will attack you both day and night,
and if he can make you wonder, will be filled with delight.

You most likely will know more stress than before,
making you wish God's truth you did ignore.

But I promise you this, one difference you'll see,
a peace that passeth understanding there'll also be.

Satan can try to discourage you with all of his might,
but God promises you that it will turn out alright.

God has already won the mighty victory.
He's just waiting to hear of our choices from you and me.

Giving each and every person the time to choose,
He does not will that even one of us He should loose.

A mistaken conception that life here will be bliss.
We have to wait for heaven to experience this.

But with such grace filled patience and love,
God waits for us to accept and be with Him above.

The waiting will end soon, we know not the day.
That you do not miss out is what I solemnly pray.

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