An Ache In My Heart
by Barbara Philbrook

An ache in my heart, a tear in my eye,
Lord why did my child have to die?

Oh I'm sure you've heard this before,
a weeping mother kneeling to implore.

Begging to be relieved of the grief and pain,
wanting to hold their child once again.

Oh how terribly hard it must be for You,
after all You suffered this same pain too.

Help me Father to bear the stress,
please remove some of my unhappiness.

Help me to remember the Great Master Plan,
and that each of us are held in Your hand.

Help me to remember I must seek and I'll find,
the truth in Your word that will bring Peace of mind.

"Come to me with your burdens" You say,
well Father I am here before You today.

Please give me the wisdom and strength I need,
so that with this life I may proceed.

May I remember You  are in control of it all,
and whenever I need You I just have to call.

May I remember I need not stand alone,
that You are beside me as my Bible has shown.

An ache in my heart but Grace enough to get me through,
all of this because we are loved by You.

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