An Introduction
by Barbara Philbrook

I would like to introduce you to my Savior he is my dearest friend,
and once I invited him into my life he began a work that he promised he'd never end.

You see we who live on this world are just filled with sin,
the price of which prevents us from an eternity of life with him.

And so out of a love way beyond our comprehension,
the price was paid for us and this is referred to as the plan of salvation.

You too can be a recipient of this precious gift from our loving Father and his Son,
no person who calls on them is rejected no not one.

You cannot have done anything so horrid or seeped so low in sin,
that they will not forgive you and welcome you to come in.

Our Father knows what is deep within our heart,
and he's promised that if we call on him a new life in us he'll  start.

You don't have to believe in anything I have said,
no you can look it all up in your bible it's all there waiting to be read.

And once you have made your choice and asked Jesus into your heart,
then a brand new direction in life for you he'll start.

Life for you will take on a whole new meaning,
and  the love of God from deep within you will be beaming.

There's one who will be upset that you have found the Love God offers to us,
that's the enemy Satan he will surly make a fuss.

Satan will try to tempt you into turning against God and his love for you,
but God has promised once you invite him in he'll always be there for you.

When things get rough and your faith barometer starts to fall,
just reach out for Jesus he will answer every call.

Sometimes the answer may not be exactly what you desired when you were in prayer,
but God knows best and he'll always be perfectly fair.

My prayer just now is if on these words your eyes have happened to glance,
then you'll invite Jesus into your heart don't  hesitate don't take a chance.

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