An Orphan Rescued
by Barbara Philbrook

My greatest joy is sharing what God has done for me,
I love giving my personal testimony.

He reached down in the muck and mire,
not only bringing me out but continues to lift me higher.

He allows me to serve Him day by day,
which fills me with joy too wonderful to portray.

Abandoned as a baby still in need of a Mama's arms,
but God was nearby and protected me from fatal harm.

I've been brought back from amnesia two times,
when memories of my life were no longer mine.

I had a stroke from a Dr.'s prescription,
what that stole from me defies description.

But God so lovingly gave it all back,
plus a few extra things I used to lack.

For seventeen years I had continual pain,
sometimes so severe that screams I could not contain.

Oh yes seizures too were then my plight,
but all finally disappeared after a surgery to make a cervical disk right.

I once went to the Dentist to have a tooth extracted,
wouldn't you know a locked jaw is what I came back with.

So many I have loved have passed on from life,
and I could write many books about pain and strife.

But instead I like to share what God has done for me,
how He provided salvation and set me free.

How He provides me with my every need,
and when I think I can't go on helps me to proceed.

How He uses me even when I'm not aware,
and how even though I can't see Him I know He's there.

How He provides me with wisdom from above,
and enables me to offer unconditional love.

I like to tell how my past is used to reach others,
in hopes that they too will become sisters or brothers.

I love challenging others to trust in what they've heard,
and show them the truths in God's Holy Word.

My life is so enriched as I share my faith day by day,
hoping it will help others in some way.

People write letters of the wonders that have occurred,
some to say thanks others to ask for an encouraging word.

I know I'm not worthy for what I'm allowed to do,
and that I will be eternally grateful is very true.

I'll continue to tell of God's love and generosity,
assuring He'll do for others just as He's done for me.

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