by Barbara Philbrook

I'm filled with anticipation at the new truths I'm beginning to see,
I thought the fact that I am loved was the happiest I'd ever be.

I thought  being loved and the gift of salvation was what I was to share,
but now I get to tell you look again there's so much more in there.

Now not everyone is as timid and fearful as I,
so when you receive your salvation your limit may be sky high.

But to have seen that I was being offered all that love salvation and more,
would have driven me to find the closest exit door.

God knew way deep in my heart and all the hurt I'd known,
that's why I had to grow before I could be shown.

If receiving something for nothing sends a quiver up your spine,
remember we are speaking of God and His gifts are divine.

God's love is agape love the purest ever known,
it's the truest, sincerest love you will ever be shown.

It is a Godly Love not found in your fellow man,
and it is offered to everyone by God's own hand.

Reach out and receive what God is offering to you,
you've never experienced a love so deep and true.

You've never felt safer never more secure,
and that special kind of love will go on forevermore.

Anticipation, that is what I feel as I awake each day,
anticipation of what God will reveal and in what way.

You too can be filled with this joyful anticipation,
just tell God you believe and accept your salvation.

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