Any Good
by Barbara Philbrook

Any good that I may appear to do,
please know it's a gift of God sent to you.

I was filthy and steeped in sin,
till I learned Jesus was knocking and let Him in.

I am very human and could wallow in conceit,
but then the battle for my soul, it would defeat.

There is nothing good in anything I do,
the good you see is the goodness of God showing through.

When I accepted the gift of the salvation plan,
a new person in me is what God's love began.

It is not I but the Good that serving God allows me to be,
that is the good that you now see.

The praise for good that any action of mine should cause,
should be offered up to God with any and all applause.

The good you see is what all men receive,
in the very moment they begin to believe.

We become servants to serve our Father above,
sharing and caring with the world His great love.

Come, jump on board, enjoy the journey with me,
we are Heaven bound where we will spend eternity.

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