A Peace
by Barbara Philbrook

A Peace such as I've never known before,
since Jesus knocked on my heart's door.

So many years of trying to live as one should,
using self control to try to be good.

Meeting defeat every step of the way,
then collapsing to my knees as in guilt I'd pray.

Each setback being worse than all of the rest,
beginning to think I'd fail every test.

Then our Father opened my eyes,
and there before me was this pleasant surprise.

I was never intended to overcome on my own,
this is a truth the Bile has always shown.

I needed to give myself over to the Father,
not determine within to just try harder.

I was incapable of living as one should,
because within each of us there is no good.

It is The Holy Spirit who does the changing,
cleaning us out and doing the rearranging.

We hear the truth and choose to believe,
then instant salvation is what we receive.

We than surrender daily giving God control,
He does the changing making us whole.

There is not one good thing I could do on my own,
but Praise God a better way is known.

Seek to find that which is true,
than accept what God is offering to do for you.

The Peace I know can be your peace too,
if you'll just accept what God is offering to do.

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