An Appointment
by Barbara Philbrook

If time came to an end for either you or I,
and we could not see each other to say good bye.

I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me,
and to say "I'll see you once more in eternity".

If we are not granted time for a final hug of love,
no need for sorrow, we'll have eternity above.

There's no need for tears nor sorrow to fill your heart,
it is only for a season that we will be apart

Jesus soon will be gathering all who believe in Him,
those who've accepted His payment for our sin.

Never again to be parted nor to suffer pain or sorrow,
never again to wonder if we will see a tomorrow.

Never again to feel shame or regret,
never again to worry if any other's expectations we've met.

Knowing we are loved well beyond measure,
knowing a peacefulness we will always treasure.

I'm making an appointment here and now with you,
one of these days this is what we will do.

The first one home with Jesus will keep watch by the gate,
soon we'll be together, of that there's no debate.

Together once more as through the glories of Heaven we roam,
the horrors of this life over, finally we'll be home.

If we are parted and one of us hears "it's too late",
just remember our appointment, we'll meet inside of Heaven's Gate.

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