A Revelation
by Barbara Philbrook

Revelation is simply the act of revealing or disclosing,
opening up, uncovering or exposing.

It is when your eyes are opened that you may see,
and God is the revealer who sets us free.

Revealing the truths we need to get us through,
showing us the things we must know and do.

Revealing things as the need arises,
some of the revelations come as surprises.

New truths revealed as the Christian matures,
revealed by the God He worships and adores.

To be recognized and received in love,
just as they are given from an adoring Father above.

New revelations aren't able to be invested,
till the old ones have been assimilated and ingested.

If you want to have new understanding today,
you must be using your old revelations in some way.

You can't store them way back somewhere in your brain,
where you don't use them ever again.

Take what God has already given to you before,
use it profusely then He'll start sending you more.

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