Are You Listening?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you listening for the call of our dear Father?
Times are bad, they can't get much harder.

There are things happening that He must abhor,
soon He will not be willing to watch anymore.

Soon He will be calling all who are willing to hear,
soon He will be beckoning us to gather near.

Are you listening, will you hear His call,
are you one that is willing to give your all.

We must be willing to fill in whereever there is a need,
we must be ready when the call is made to proceed.

Prepare your mind so you will recognize the call,
prepare your heart so you can surrender it all.

Are you listening? Can you run at the drop of a pin?
Join the army now while there is still time to get in.

This is not sudden. It's been coming for years.
No excuses for tardiness that will bring many tears.

Prepare while you have the time my friend,
soon Jesus will shout "This all must end".

Are you listening? I pray you will hear and obey.
I pray we will each meet our Father's expectations that day.

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