Are You Weary?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you weary, too tired to go on?
Just who's strength are you leaning upon?

God knows we can not do it on our own.
This is one of the areas His great love is shown.

"Come unto me all who are weary and I will give you rest".
God wants nothing for us but the very best.

We are not to rely on our human strength you see.
God sent the comforter to fill in for you and me.

God provided the grace to see us through.
He sent the Holy Spirit to teach us what to do.

There is a lie by which many are deceived.
Satan wants to fool all who are willing to believe.

Never believe the lies being told.
Open the word and see the truths that God will unfold.

God does not intend you to rely on your own strength,
although to make you think so Satan will go to great length.

Lean on our Father, call on His precious name.
Jesus did and we are to do the very same.

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