As For Me
by Barbara Philbrook

I was lost, steeped in sin,
when a stirring inside I felt begin.

I developed a hunger I could not satisfy,
I searched for answers not even sure why.

Suddenly what shrouded the truth from me,
was taken away and I could see.

I was guilty of committing sin,
I was being offered salvation if I'd just let You in.

"Believe in your heart, say it with your tongue,
I've been saved by God's own Son".

I understood and by grace believed,
I called out Your  name and salvation was received.

I now surrender daily Dear Lord to Thee,
so You can do Your good works through me.

It is my most sincere endeavor,
to serve You Lord now and forever.

I wish to surrender all that I am,
to serve our Father in the Great Master Plan.

May my words invite others to take part,
as they too invite You into their heart.

May others looking in my direction,
instead see Your most perfect reflection.

May my mind ever be stayed on Thee,
striving to share the truth for others to see.

May I commune with Thee day and night,
so that all that I do will be good in Your sight.

On my own I am nothing at all,
but due to you Lord I can stand firm and tall.

Sharing with the world what You did for me,
hoping they too will accept what You offer for free.

I simply sow the seeds You've placed in my heart,
then I stand back and let You do Your part.

I know any good coming from me,
is done by the Spirit You provide so bountifully.

So open the windows of Heaven today,
pouring forth Your Spirit in abundance I pray.

I thank You Lord with all my heart,
and gratefully receive all You wish to impart.

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