As I Live And Breathe
by Barbara Philbrook

As I live and breathe while I live on Earth,
may all I do be considered of some worth.

May the actions I take bring others joy and love,
may they see in me a reflection of God above.

May my words cause others to accept salvation,
or in the very least to seek a new revelation.

May the love so sparingly given to me,
be in evidence for the world to see.

May the sorrows that inevitably occur for me to bear,
be laid at he cross and faithfully left there.

May the peace that passeth understanding in my life,
show others they too can give Jesus their strife.

May the grace bestowed so unconditionally,
be in evidence so others also partake of it abundantly.

May the joy of knowing I serve the risen Savior,
be evident in my daily behavior.

As I live and breath from day to day,
may I have a positive effect on others in some way.

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