As I Sit Here
by Barbara Philbrook

As I sit here contemplating my sins of the past,
and where God has me since I've surrendered at last.

If I'd realized the awesomeness of our Father,
it's possible I would have tried so much harder.

I would have searched to understand salvation was free,
and that it had to be accepted personally by me.

I could've tried to understand I was unable to change on my own,
but it is done by the Spirit once we atone.

I may have dropped to my knees before our Savior,
begging forgiveness for my sinful behavior.

Maybe it would not have taken me so much time,
to discover life in Jesus is so absolutely sublime.

To see that He allows us to take part in reaching out to others,
in hopes they too will become our brothers.

That there's love peace and healing from pain,
and an assurance we will see our passed on loved ones again.

There's a Comforter for when we are not strong enough on our own,
and promises that we will never again feel alone.

But you see that was not part of The Great Master Plan,
God was forming me in the palm of His hand.

Every experience contributed to the character I now possess,
and what I've been through adds to my happiness.

I wouldn't change the past even if I could,
because everything that's happened has been used for my good.

So as I sit here contemplating my whole past,
I am filled with Thanksgiving and understanding at last.

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