A Smile
by Barbara Philbrook

A smile adds beauty to everyone's face.
A smile reflects love and grace.

Has a smile made your day,
lifted your spirits in a lovely way?

Truth is more often than not,
twas a smile you gave caused the smile you got.

Smiling is quite contagious you see,
and costs you nothing as they are free.

Smile at a grump and see what you get,
most will smile back I'm willing to bet.

Smile at a child with tears on it's face,
and change those tears with a smile in their place.

Smile at someone ill and sad in bed,
and now you'll see a smile instead.

Smiles, the more they are given, the more received,
and the cramping of facial muscles is relieved.

Smile often. Smile every day.
A smile says God loves you in a special way.

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