A Tragic Fire
by Barbara Philbrook

A tragic fire in which six men died,
because despite the danger they went inside.

They went to save people they believed were trapped,
and died themselves when their oxygen elapsed.

Now there was an apparition that very night,
many called in to comment on the eerie sight.

Right there in the middle of that roof,
the flames took the shape of a fireman. I've seen the proof.

So amazing is the spectacle caught on tape,
that many who see it sit and gape.

Just like the burning bush Moses saw one day,
this vision brought peace to some they say.

Was this something God sent to calm our duress,
was it an assurance He's there during such a mess.

Was it an angel sent to guide them home,
so they didn't have to go on alone?

I know we are to believe God's in control without proof,
but was that an assurance of His love on that roof?

Some may need to wait till they're home to know for sure,
but personally I believe it's a sign from our God whom I adore.

A tragic fire with a most astonishing sight,
flames in the shape of a fireman lighting up the night.

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