At Times
by Barbara Philbrook

At times I have thoughts I'd rather not.
I wish my mind would stay where it ought.

At times things occur that get up my ire,
if you look into my eyes you'd see them afire.

At times I let my self feel depleted,
those are the times I forget Satan has been defeated.

At times my spirits sink kind of low.
I am capable of more but right then it doesn't show.

At times I forget I am His child.
It's then I think of how I was sinfully defiled.

At times I need a gentle nudge,
to remind me Jesus is my advocate with the Judge.

At times I slip into depression,
but then remember I have been to the cross with my confession.

At times the human in me tries to overcome,
but then I remember I've accepted His invitation.

At times I sing of my Father's glory,
because all these other times remind me of the salvation story.

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