Are You Aware?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you aware that you can have life eternal this fact is very true,
God wants you with him so much that He sent His Son to pay the price for you.

There is a manual that explains the facts so well,
and if you will follow the instructions it promises you won't have to go to hell.

There are those who think that Hell and the Devil are not real,
this is exactly how Satan the Devil wants you to feel.

If Satan can cause you to doubt to even wonder for a time if Heaven and God are real,
that may give him the chance he needs so your soul he can steal.

God loves us with a love so deep and sincere,
that he will not force himself on us He wants us to choose to go there.

The moment you choose God he sends the Holy Spirit to move into your heart,
and a good work begins instantly a work from which he will never part.

From deep within you are changed no longer the same as you were,
and from that time  you will see the hand of God in many things that will occur.

I'm not trying to frighten you just to make you aware,
Satan is not like God he isn't very fair.

He does not wait to be invited into your heart he does not give you the right to choose,
all he cares about is your salvation "that" he wants you to loose.

It's not too late yet there is still some time left to become a winner,
Choose to follow God and confess  that you have been a sinner.

God will forgive the past and start making you into a new person today,
all you have to do is believe and invite him in as you pray.

Thank You Father for loving us as you do,
and thank you for the bible that shows us how we may come to you.

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