A Weeping Child
by Barbara Philbrook

A weeping child is the sound Jesus can hear,
and His heart breaks for these babies so dear.

Wanting to fulfill every need and desire.
Wishing to touch each heart with spiritual fire.

Arms aching to hold a lonely child.
Wishing to enhance their faces with a smile.

Wanting to remove soil and tears,
just to bring comfort to these innocent dears.

Having a yearning to heal every pain or ache.
Wanting so badly a difference to make.

All of these things Jesus wishes to do,
and He needs the cooperation of me and you.

Ours are the hands that do the chores,
and the arms that rock babies till we hear gentle snores.

It is we who cook and bake,
and it is our love these children hungrily take.

It is human hands who reach out in the night,
to hold these babies and calm their fright.

It is through the things we do in love,
these little ones come to know of Jesus above.

It is our service for our fellow man,
to do all for them that we possibly can.

If we ask, we will definitely be shown,
the needs of others will be made known.

Then we'll be given the wisdom of what to do,
as Jesus willingly, lovingly uses me and you.

Fulfilling needs is our daily endeavor,
as we lovingly serve Jesus forever and ever.

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