A Brand New Day
by Barbara Philbrook

A brand new day it's just begun,
I started it off by calling on God's own Son.

I knelt in prayer and surrendered my will,
knowing if I didn't the day would be all up hill.

I gave control of my mind my thoughts and desires,
also my reactions to what transpires.

I asked for directions where my feet should tread,
and for strength to handle all the things I dread.

I asked for temperance where it is needed,
and that the Holy Spirit's guidance is heeded.

I sought ambition and discernment and tolerance too,
then I thanked God for all the good He will do.

I offered to serve in any way He desire,
and prayed that reaching His will is to what I aspire.

I sought love peace and harmony,
in the lives of all those who mean so much to me.

I asked that angels be with each of you throughout the day,
so you not be hurt in any way.

I covered you each in His blood for protection,
and asked that none of you feel any dejection.

I thanked God for the air that we breath,
and for Him supplying all of the things we need.

I thanked Him for our love and grace,
and that one day we'll all see Him face to face.

I thanked Him for every good thing in our life,
but then I thanked Him too for our trials and strife.

I thanked Him that we grow during adversity,
and that He is continually watching over you and me.

I thanked Him for allowing a choice to be made,
and that He was listening when we knelt and prayed.

I thanked Him for this day that is new,
but most of all I thanked Him for you. 

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