Are You Being Called?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you being called? Does God want you?
Is there something He has for you to do?

Listen carefully, God speaks in a still quiet voice.
Whether or not you hear is your personal choice.

God has things for us each to do.
Are you waiting to know what He needs from you?

God does not scream nor does He shout.
Each one wanting to know His will figures this out.

Have you accepted salvation inviting the Holy Spirit to move in?
Have you surrendered so the changing can begin?

Have you determined to live your life serving the Lord?
Causing the heavenly host to applaud?

Do you wake each day wondering 'Father what can I do,
that will bring honor and glory to You'?

Is your desire to let others share in the salvation plan,
to reach as many as you possibly can?

Have you determined to reach out to the world,
telling them the truths that have been unfurled?

Are you being called to help in these final days?
God can use us all in so many ways.

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