A Discussion
by Barbara Philbrook

There is this subject on which you and I should converse,
I feel it's something we must get cleared up before this world gets any worse.

The simple truth is this world has simply gone to such a depth of depravation,
that the only hope left is that of salvation.

It's right there for one and all,
and the only thing one has to do to receive it is simply on Jesus name to call.

You see the price of sin is death never to the new world would we enter in,
but out of his love for you and I our savior paid the price for us to live with him.

The price had to be paid by one totally free of sin,
and knowing of our unrighteousness God lovingly sent his son our place to fill in.

We in no way are worthy nor do we fully comprehend,
but that didn't matter to our Savior he took our place on a cross and died that you and I would live in the end.

Now having paid the full price of our sinful behavior,
Jesus could  demand anything as payment for becoming our Savior.

And what you ask is that price I must pay,
so that I may go home with Jesus on resurrection day?

There is no price at all it's absolutely free,
the payment was made purely out of love for you and me.

It's a gift given out of unconditional love,
given to those of us down here from those above.

Just as in our every day life you must  physically take a gift offered to you before it is your very own, the gift of salvation must be claimed and accepted  before your name in the book of life is shown.

How in the world can I believe in something that I cannot even see,
Is that the next question you want to ask of me?

Faith is the answer it is another gift given from a loving Father above,
and if you don't think you have enough ask him for more he'll send it from above.

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