A Fetus
by Barbara Philbrook

A fetus is an offspring being formed  the shaping of a new life,
and there are those who feel that they have the right to choose if they are facing any sort of strife.

Of course there is the choice of who to  date in the very first place,
if  we've been raised according to God's guidance there should be no problem to face.

When parents have allowed the children to date one not brought up in the same way,
they must be sure to give them the knowledge and strength to say.

There should be the right to choose wether one should obey the will of God,
wether one will sleep with another or say no at the risk of seeming odd.

There should be the right of any young lady to say no to any young man she may be with on a date, the right to say no without the fear of earning his hate.

Each of our young must be educated so they know the momentous outcome of this choice,
parents you are the ones responsible that this lesson is taught with your own voice.

If we will get back to God's way of raising our young and rely on His guidance to do what's right,
we won't be faced with the quandary of whose choice who's right?

There is no choice once the forming of this new life has begun,
we are to follow God's guidance if anyone will make a choice He is the one.

Each new life is a gift directly from our father above,
and of course it is better if this life is concieved due to mature love.

But if the choice wasn't made when the time was right,
at least seek God's forgiveness and bring this new life up in God's guiding light.

If perchance rape is the origin of the life beginning inside of you,
the love of God can take bad and make it turn into good tis true.

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