Goodbye Hug
by Barbara Philbrook

We've just hugged goodbye and it would tear me apart,
except Dear Friend I have you here in my heart.

This last few days have been good for me,
I know we are both saved and will be together again you see.

I've enjoyed our visit and hope that it was the same for you,
the times we get together are far too few.

Though we will be separated by miles just temporarily,
we'll live together with God for eternity.

So many memories we've built over thirty years,
being there with each other sharing happiness and tears.

Eventually to be reunited with those who have gone on ahead,
never again to know pain sorrow or dread.

We've just hugged goodbye but that's not permanent you see,
that's the fact that brings comfort to me.

Remember my friend over this one fact there's no debate,
if we don't see each other here we'll meet at the gate.

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