Are You Lonely?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you lonely and in need of a friend?
God is waiting and will be till the end.

Is there something to much for you to bear?
God desires your burden to share.

Is there an ache deep in your heart?
God will heal it before it tears you apart.

Is being weary what 's causing you distress?
Give it to God and receive new vivaciousness.

You are not alone and can know this for a fact.
Call out to God, He will definitely react.

Open the Bible and ask to understand.
Immediately new truths will be revealed as planned.

God does not will that even one will be lost.
Salvation is yours, Jesus paid the cost.

Seek and be shown how to join the family,
then you will be with us for eternity.

Are you lonely, suffering in a terrible way?
It will all be different if you accept salvation today.

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