A Mother's Wish
by Barbara Philbrook

If I could wish for just anything and have it become a reality,
I'd wish that your eyes would be opened and that you could really see.

I'd wish that you had chosen a different kind of life to live,
I'd even wish that the price you must pay was one that I could give.

I'd wish that you had chosen to walk the narrow road that leads to the Father above,
I'd wish that you were Heaven bound due to your Mother's deep love.

I'd wish that you would recognize the importance of the choice we must each make,
and I'd wish that you'd acknowledge God's Love and His offer of salvation you'd take.

Instead of wasting my life wishing both night and day,
I offer you up to my Heavenly Father as I kneel nightly to pray.

My heart as every mother's aches with the things that I would rather you would choose to do,
but there are decisions that no matter how deep my love I can't make for you.

I can pray with my heart breaking and tears streaming down my face,
but there are things between you and God in which I have no place.

I know where I'll be when the Lord calls all of his loved ones home to stay,
and that you will be there too is one thing for which I pray.

God tells us in the Bible that it is His will that each and every one of us should live,
and no man who calls on Him a  negative answer will He give.

Why God even said to test Him see if what He said is true,
call out His name I promise He will hear and He will answer you.

God knew before this world was put into place,
who would do what and who would be in which particular space.

He knew the choices you would make and the friends you would have right up until today,
and He knows what will be the outcome of the things for which I pray.

God knew then and He still put you on this earth,
and one thing is certain Everything God does has real worth.

God has for each and everyone of us a part in the great master plan,
when the time is right He'll be there waiting for you holding out his hand.

Mother's Love and Caring doesn't stop when you reach a certain size,
but we must put our Faith in our Heavenly Father not in our Child is what I now realize.

And so it is with great Faith and confidence I place you in God's loving hands today,
and that you and He will work it out is the result for which I pray.

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