A Mountain
by Barbara Philbrook

There was a mountain before me, it stood so monumental and tall,
I sought God's assistance, now it is so small.

He didn't tell it to move, to get out of my way,
He chipped little pieces each time I knelt to pray.

Some changes occur in the twinkling of an eye,
and some changes go so slowly we're even tempted to ask why.

But is it all just part of the Great Master's Plan,
He being the Potter, we the clay in His Hand.

If we had the ability to see the end result,
we would be Glorifying Him with a mighty shout.

I want to do my shouting here and now,
because I know it will all work out somehow.

Won't you all join in and shout of God's Glory,
let's saturate the world with His precious story.

Let's all gather to share what we know to be true,
God's love is so great He'll move mountains for you.

Accept what He's offering, it's absolutely free,
Jesus died to save you and me!

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