Pain and Sorrow
by Barbara Philbrook

Pain and sorrow every where you go,
probably there are those you even know.
Those you love and want to get well,
I just bet you've more than one story to tell.

Your heart aches with the profound sorrow,
wondering if we'll see them tomorrow.
We offer them in prayer to our Father above,
trusting in His undying love.

Because we are told in the Word,
that due to Jesus' stripes healing has occurred.
We are told where two or more agree,
that an answer to prayer is what we'll see.

God does not lie we can count on it,
but there's more in the Word an important bit.
We must ask that the will of the Father be done,
as in Gethsemane by Jesus the Son.

God knows the end from the beginning,
and if by a cure this loved one is actually winning.
So give the Father all of that pain and sorrow,
He sees ahead to Heaven's tomorrow.

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