A Personal Savior
by Barbara Philbrook

A personal Savior who has already paid for your sin,
and all it takes is for you to invite Him in.

Salvation from sin's guilt and it's eventual cost,
but if you don't accept it will all be lost.

No one can accept salvation for you,
the acceptance is the part that you have to do.

You listen and learn and you'll believe,
then you call out to Jesus telling Him you willingly receive.

Now if perchance your belief is too small,
God will supply more if you only but call.

Faith is another free gift you see,
so that no boasting can be done by you or me.

We can not take the credit for what God has done.
All of the Glory go to the Father and Son.

Once you accept, your new life can begin.
It is done by the Holy Spirit who resides within.

Any changing is done by God's Spirit.
He does the guiding and we willingly heed it.

We are enlightened in what we need to know.
Why He even leads us to where we need to go.

We are given all that we need,
and as we are willing, the grace to proceed.

A whole new life is waiting for you,
if you believe and receive as Jesus wants you to.

A personal Savior offering you eternity.
Accept it today and be part of the family.

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