A Revival
by Barbara Philbrook

I'm praying for a revival Lord and that it begin within me,
I surrender all that I am or all that I may ever be.

I need to be more rependant for my imperfections,
I need to be submissive in my daily selections.

I surrender my mouth and ask you to give me the words to say,
words that will encourage all others I may encounter today.

I surrender my heart and the feelings within,
and willingly seek the work only you can begin.

I offer the reactions I will have this day,
may they each bring Honor and Glory your way.

May the things I choose to let my eyes rest upon,
be things that help brighten the day as does each new dawn.

Help me to pray for the needs and desires of others,
reminding me constantly all mankind are my brothers.

I need to remember Father I can do nothing without you,
but "with God all things are possible" continues to be true.

Yes Father I seek a revival and that it start in me,
is the prayer which I humbly present to thee.

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