A Song In My Heart
by Barbara Philbrook

There is a song in my heart and a smile on my face,
"why?" because God through his love fills me with peace and grace.

You needn't believe in what you hear from me,
just look it up in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 2 and you will see.

Now I don't mean to mislead you I've shed my share of tears too,
but as told in Rev.7:17  "God will wipe our tears." it's true!

I've also had trials and temptations and times when things didn't look good,
but the faith God provided did what it should.

You see God tells us that "all things work for good to them that love the Lord and are called to do his service." found in Rom.8:28, and of this fact there is no way for any to debate.

Where you ask does one get the faith to believe in what is in God's Holy Word,
from God and when I asked for more he heard!

Oh yes there is a song in my heart and a smile on my face,
but no credit is due me God is the one who put them in place.

Praise be to God and to Him goes all the Glory,
I wish to reach  everyone to share with them "His story".

As long as my Heavenly Father allows me to live,
I'll sing of his Glory and accounts of his love I'll strive to give.

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