An Undivided Heart
by Barbara Philbrook

An undivided heart that is what I need,
so I can determine Your will and then proceed.

That I may never wander or stray,
that I may serve You night and day.

Caring about others above my need,
that I be filled with love and free of greed.

Sensing the hurt in a lonely child,
and letting them know You'll be there all the while.

Looking for pain on another's face,
then sharing with them Your love and grace.

Seeing loneliness in someone's heart,
and making them know You loved them from the start.

Hearing the cry of an ailing soul,
telling them You desire to make them whole.

Ears tuned to You all the while,
hearing Your voice causes me to smile.

An undivided heart is my desire,
not a heart cluttered with life's muck and mire.

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