Are You Feeling Unhappy?
by Barbara Philbrook

Are you feeling unhappy and down in the dump,
does you throat feel as though it's filled by a lump?

Do you have things on your mind too distressing to bear?
Take them to Jesus and leave them there.

Our loving Father knew of our delicate state,
and that He's provided for us there is no debate.

We are not to carry our burdens all alone.
The solution for us is so clearly shown.

We weren't meant to carry our burdens or despair.
We're told to take them to Jesus and leave them there.

No matter how trivial your problem appears,
we're told to give them to Jesus because He cares.

Nothing is too large, nothing is too small.
Take them to Jesus one and all.

Are you feeling unhappy and overburdened today?
Jesus is waiting to take your worries away.

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