Vast Domain
by Barbara Philbrook

Though You are the Lord of this vast domain,
you love each of us so much that you know our individual names.

You know of the pain's fears and sorrows we've each felt,
and you've heard each word we've uttered when in prayer we've knelt.

You prepared this plan that you employ for our salvation,
you gave us the Word so this plan would become actualization.

You sent us a guide an interpreter and one to strengthen us when we needed it the most,
you sent us the comforter the teacher the Holy Ghost.

You prepare now a home where we will one day reside with you,
and you give us the gift of faith that we may believe all of this is true.

You sit there in control on the mighty throne,
you have Jesus at your right hand you are not alone.

Your angels all pay homage as they give you honor and glory,
and they marvel as they watch the unfolding of this amazing story.

So great has been your love since time began,
so great has been your caring since you created man.

So deep has been your affection since all this has begun,
that you were willing to offer the death of your very own Son.

Yes You Lord are the Master of this vast domain,
and soon we'll all be together bearing Honor and Glory to your very name.

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