by Barbara Philbrook

Jesus declared war with His enemy Satan a long time ago,
look in God's Word and the truth of this it will show.

The fact that there is a war being waged is not of our choice,
and that it will run it's full course is a matter in which we have no voice.

Jesus has already won that fact is undisputedly true,
what is astonishing is He wishes to share His victory with me and you.

It is referred to as the salvation plan,
and it was conceived before the creation of man.

The Spirit beckons, we hear and accept,
and then the most beautiful of promises ever made is kept.

Sound too simple, too easy to believe,
just ask God to enlighten you and understanding is what you will receive.

God does not will that even one should be lost,
He provided payment for our sins at a very high cost.

All God asks is that we seek and believe,
then eternal life with Him is what we receive.

Be victorious, be on the winning side,
accepting God's offer and inviting Jesus within to abide.

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