Victor or Victim?
by Barbara Philbrook

Victor or victim the choice is up to me,
the outcome depends on what I choose to see.

Do I choose the negative in each aspect of my life,
do I see it's joy or dwell upon the strife?

Do I see a glass as half empty or half full,
when the life line is slackening do I sink or do I pull?

Our contentment depends on what we choose to see,
God gave this gift of choice to you and to me.

Is a rainbow a thing of beauty or a reminder of the storm,
does inner peace come easily or is it out of the norm?

There are things over which we have no control,
such as the fact there is an eternal battle for our soul.

But we choose how we'll look on even this,
I choose to consider God's love for me eternal bliss.

That God would wage a battle over my eternal life,
gives me the courage to face any trial or strife.

"If God be for us who can be against us" I quote,
I read it in my Bible and find it worthy to note.

With God all things are possible for you,
and that is in the Bible look and see it's true.

God allows me to be a victor, not a victim you see,
He is the one who grants the strength to me.

The victory was won way back on Calvary,
now we have the right to choose where we'll spend eternity.

Time will run out, no one knows when,
that is when Jesus will come back again.

He'll come to take the victors home for eternity,
praise God for giving the right to choose to me.

Victor or victim, it's now your choice to make,
God will honor your choice so make no mistake.

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