A Warning
by Barbara Philbrook

What is happening things are not like the norm,
there is no rain in sight the drought is causing so much harm.

Our water shed is so low they are rationing the outdoor use,
there is so much drought that wildfires have become profuse.

Thousands and thousands of acres have burned down to the ground,
there are families who have lost everything they worked for and are left totally perplexed  just standing around.

Due to there being less water under the surface,
there are sink holes that are hard to fill due to collapsing even though cement was poured in for that purpose.

Temperatures have reached a new record high on over twenty days out of the last thirty,
then five more met the old record making us all feel hot and dirty.

There was an incidence in which Pat Robertson made a prediction that God's wrath was being stirred, and ever since then these horrible instances have occurred.

We as a nation have become callous in the respect we give,
we must consider God and the way that He desires us to live.

God gave us His Holy Word as a blue print of how He expects us to behave,
and He gave us the salvation plan so our souls we can save.

God loved us from before this world even started,
and because of that love Jesus left His Glory and from His Father he became parted.

He lived a life subject to rejection and disrespect beyond belief,
then He died a horrendous death on the cross in unbearable grief.

Jesus arose and returned Home to be with His Father once more,
and is building homes for his loved ones who will soon be there both of them to forever adore.

Though time is short and soon "IT IS FINISHED" will be what we hear,
there is still time to repent and to learn to hold God andHis Values Most Dear.

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