Chapter 4

London, recording studio 5ive

“I’m telling ya, something is wrong with Rich!” Scott said to the other lads. “ I don’t know what’s going on but sometimes i think he has gone insane!!”
“Don’t overreact Robinson, a lot of people claim to have seen poltergeists, so why shouldn’t Rich? It surely is real to him so we should take him serious and help him.” Abs replied.
“Well, I still say he should visit a shrink” J interrupted. “RICH is crazy anyhow.”
“ I don’t think he wants to” Sean replied thoughtfully.
“Who does?” interfered Rob, their tourmanager.”But i think J is right.”
“Well, THAT would be something different.” They suddenly heard behind them. Rich stood in the door. “But staying in tradition J isn’t right. I am not crazy. No more than any of you, that is. I have seen the Light. The only thing I want is to see my beloved back.”
“Allright,” said J with a look of worry on his face, in the tone of someone talking to a child, “but how about Billie?”
Rich shook his head impatiently, the gesture of someone tired of explaining when something is clear.”I didn’t mean this life. I mean the next, and the then following. Surely you must see.”
J wanted to say something, but Chris interrupted saying:”Of course we see Rich,” with a glare at the guys revealing what they all thought: he’s crazy.

The following time the lads treated Rich with the nochalant care you give to someone’s who’s thought crazy. They didn’t pay attention to his stories, his from time to time slightly strange behaviour and his still getting worse appearance. It seemed sometimes he was going through some fight. At last, his girlfriend Billie couldn’t take it anymore and bursted out at night, sitting on the couch with Rich:” For god’s sake Rich, what is going on? You’re looking worse everyday!”
Rich stared at her weirdly, then saying:”It’s nothing honey, really, I’ll be allright.”
Rich sighed. “This’ll all be over soon, I promise. Next full moon.” With that he stood up and walked away, again leaving his girlfriend alone with questionmarks.

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