Chapter 5ive

The moon was full and shone bright in the sky when Rich walked the silent streets of Glastonbury, anticipating a confrontation with Morgan. His friends and Billie, still considering him crazy, hadn’t let him go alone, and so Billie and Abs were in the hotel he had just minutes before left. Without actually noticing he walked towards Chalice Well. He put his hands on the stone and looked into the dark, non-moving water which only reflected the moon. Suddely the water wrinkled and he could first see his own face, marked wih the struggling of the last few days. But even in the scarred face the blue eyes were still beautiful, reflecting all the old spirits caught in them.
The water wrinkled again, stronger than before, and there she was, Morgan Chatterley. As beautiful as always. She seemed never to get old, until the moment she’ll suddenly be, thought Rich. Her face as young as he remembered first ever seeing her, her hair still as dark, without a single grey hair. Her voice as always deep, low and clear. My beloved, you want me to kill her? She looks so much like you, and I also loved her once!
Finally he found the words to speak. “I see you have not changed your mind, Morgan. You’re all the same I last saw you. When I thought I HAD last seen you. And here you are again.”
She smiled her famous wicked smile.”Yes, Gwydion, I’m back. And you’ll help me, right? All those people who resisted the Light, we shall teach them. Together.”
“No Morgan, that isn’t the way. You’re the reason why people turn their backs on the Light. People like you, fanatic and insane.”He paused, took a deep breath and continued:”that is why I’m going to make you find peace Morgan. I have forgiven you. May the Path do so too.” He pulled the moonshaped, shiny silver knife from his belt. But instead of stabbing it into her he turned it around, so the edge faced his own throat.He spoke again.” Morgan, I am willingly to sacrifice my life to The Light. But the question is, are you too? Answer me and take your fate, or take my life instead to practice your satanic games. You are not the one I love but there must be something left of the Morgan I loved so long ago. If there is, then do it now.”
Morgans eyes flashed to the knife, then to Rich. “ If I still had the power,”she said, a sad grin on her face, “I’d curse you Gwydion, but I neither got the power nor the right to doubt the ways of the Path, so my life’ll finally end here. Walk in the Light, Gwydion. I know we shall meet again.” With the last flash of her famous smile the water moved in circles and was suddenly still again. The well was again old, empty and dark.


Rich walked through the lonely, dark streets back to the hotel. Abs and Billie were awaiting him worried. He knew it, but didn’t care.There are for me no secrets anymore.
“Rich where have you been?” Billie asked worried.
“ You DO look better than before mate.” Abs said looking sharply at him.”What happened?”
Rich looked at them, waiting for him to say something. Anything he’d say wouldn’t be enough to explain. They wouldn’t understand anyway. There’s only one. My beloved, I shall see you soon! He looked at them again, smiling. I must lay a spell on them…
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