The girl ran down London’s wet streets with a fast pace,never stopping,only sometimes slowing down a bit to the take a deep breath.
“They won’t find me.They won’t.Please,don’t let them find me again.”she muttered under her breath.After what seemed like hours,she thought it was save enough to rest for a while.The young woman stopped and took a good look around:she was in the middle of a large street with on both sides houses.She emediatly noticed that it were expensive maisons and she sighed.Of course she wouldn’t find a a place to sleep here.Rich people were always better than the poor,at least that’s what they always said,and they would definatly not give a homeless girl a place to stay for the night.She walked around a bit and finally decided there was no other solution than to sleep outside in the pouring rain.A white house at her left had a few steps in front of the door and she slowly walked over.The woman sat down on the stairs and almost emediatly fell asleep,the last thing on her mind”I hope that he won’t ever find me again.”…



The apartment was silent except for the loud snoring of a guy.
“Damnit Sean!You’re waking up the whole house with your snoring!”a deep voice at once yelled from the bathroom.The door opened and a guy,only “dressed” in a white towel,emerged from the bath.He quickly entered the other room and yelled on top of his lungs”Get up you lazy git!We gotta leave in half an hour!” But the man’s actions seemed to fail as the other guy just turned on his side and kept on sleeping.
“I give up.”the tall lad mumbled and left to get dressed.Before he left the house he took one more chance to wake up his friend but it seemed to be impossible.Finally the man left the building while muttering”If that lad can’t even wake up,I’ll just go shopping myself.” He got downstairs and opened the frontdoor…and almost tripped over a bundle of clothes and hair in front of him on the stairs.He took a carefull step forward and almost tripped again as he noticed that it was a pretty girl who was asleep in front of his house.She had a deep cut in her left cheek and her whole face seemed bruised.Her dark hair fell slightly over her face and her clothes were totally soaked with raindrops.Finally J had enough courage to shake her gently so she would wake up.He didn’t want to disturb her sleep but he needed to know if she was alright.The girl’s eyes shot open as soon as he touched her arm and she looked at him bewildered.
“Are you okay,love?You seem to be injured.”J softly asked her but she shook her head and jumped up,ready to speed away.J could only just grab her shoulder to stop her and said”No, wait.Where are you going?You need a doctor.”
“I don’t need a doctor!”the woman at once yelled.J stared at her shocked but still refused to let her go.
“Why the hell are you asleep in the pouring rain?Don’t you have a place to stay?”
At that moment the angry look into the girl’s eyes turned to a sad one and she mumbled almost unintelligible”No.”That was enough to loosen J’s grip around her arm and he asked”What?You live on the street?”She nodded sadly,not able to speak at that moment.She couldn’t talk about it yet and definately not to some guy she only met.J didn’t know what to do at that moment but at once an idea crossed his mind.
“Why don’t you come in for a minute?You can drink a cup of tea and let your clothes dry a bit aswell.”
She really wanted some tea but then she remembered it could be dangerous to get inside with him.Maybe he knew about her problems and only asked her to come in to bring her back to hell later again.The woman looked up into his shining blue eyes but she had to admit he seemed really worried about her and finally she decided to give in. “Alright then.
J seemed satisfied with her answer and pulled her with him to the house.Then he thought of something.”What’s your name,love?” She stopped for a second but then aswered”I’m Zeba.”J smiled at her and replied”And I’m Jason but just call me J.Everyone else does.”
Zeba nodded and smiled for the first time again in years…


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