It was a few days after the whole kidnapping thing and at last everyone started to get over it a little.Zeba had gone to work again,although J had tried to convince her to stay home,but Zeba thought work would keep her mind off of everything and so she just went.Of course she would have perfered to stay at home with J but since he and the other lads really had to practise for the upcoming tourdates,Zeba thought working was at least better than sitting at home with nobody around.
It was an early evening and Zeba was home alone.The lads still hadn�t returned from their rehearsals and so Zeba just sat on the sofa in the livingroom,reading a fashion magazine.Suddenly the phone started to ring.Zeba smiled and picked it up,thinking it was J calling her up to tell her he and Sean were on their way home,but to her surprise it wasn�t J voice greeting her.
�Zeba!�a raspy voice called out.
Zeba recognized the voice instantly as Paul�s and her hands started to shake violently.
�I�I�m not Zeba.�she answered but Paul sighed deeply and stated�Oh dear,sweet Zeba.You can�t fool me,girl.You never could.�
That was enough to make her burst into tears and she yelled hysterically�What do you want from me!?�
�I want you back,Zeba.You are my little slave,remember?Only alive to please me and my friends.�
�Listen,fuck off!I don�t belong to you anymore!Or do you want me to call the police!?�she exclaimed.Paul laughed bitterly and replied�No Zeba,that�s not how this game works.Or do you want me to harm your boyfriend?�
Zeba shook her head wildly.�Don�t you touch J!�
�Just remember what I told you,Zeba.Just remember��
And with that Paul hung up the phone.Zeba listened to the constantly beeping for a while before she threw the phone as far away from her as possible.A million thoughts were running through Zeba�s head,all of them confusing her terribly.How did Paul find out about her and J?How did he know their telephone number?
Zeba got up and stumbled to the bedroom where she laid down.She couldn�t risk J getting hurt by Paul and so she decided not to tell anyone about the phonecall.She just laid on the bed for a while,cuddling up to a pillow,before she finally cried herself to sleep�

About fourty minutes later Sean and J arrived at the apartment.
�Damn,I�m glad we�re at home at last.�Sean stated while he fell down on the sofa.J nodded in agreement before he exclaimed�I thought Zeba was at home already.�
�Perhaps she�s taking a shower.�Sean replied while he turned the telly on.J shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the bathroom,gently knocking on the door.
�Zeba,are you in there?�
When there came no answer J opened up the door,only to find an empty room.J frowned and questioned himself�Where could she be?�Only then he realized she must be in the bedroom and he was proven to be right.There on the bed laid Zeba,lost in a deep sleep.J smiled sweetly and walked over to her,sitting down next to her and putting a string of hair behind her ear.She was looking so beautiful and innocent he couldn�t bring himself to wake her up,although he would have loved to talk to her a bit.But although J had been sure not to make a sound,Zeba felt someone was watching her and she opened her eyes.
�Hey.�she gently whispered and J looked down at her and smiled sweetly.
�Tired?�he questioned but Zeba shrugged her shoulders and replied�Not really,I must have fallen asleep because I was so bored.�
�Feel like doing something,then?�
Zeba smiled and got up.�Always if it means being with you.�
�Great,get your coat then and we�re out.�J stated while he pushed Zeba out of the room and closed the door behind him�

The lovers spent some time at a quiet restaurant before they both decided it was about time to go back home again.J and Zeba drove down a dark street,talking and laughing,when suddenly Zeba noticed something in the corner of her eye,a numberplate.It only took her a second to realize it was Paul�s car and she could almost feel her heart stop beating.J saw the look in Zeba�s eyes and asked�What is it,babe?�
�Paul.�was everything she could manage to choke out and J stepped on the brakes right away. �What are you saying?�
�Paul�s car is standing there.�
J turned around in his seat and asked in surprise�Are you sure?�
�Yes,I am.�Zeba whispered.J stared deeply in Zeba�s eyes for a few seconds before he took his seatbelt off and opened the door.
�I�ll be back in a minute.�he stated and wanted to step out of the car but Zeba grabbed his arm in pure fear and pulled him back.
�No J,please!Remember what you promised me!�Zeba begged but J pulled his arm back and said�He fucking hurt you and now he�s after you again!If I don�t teach him a lesson now he�ll keep bothering you!�
�Please J,listen to me!Please!Let�s just go home!You don�t know who he�s visiting,maybe it are some of his friends!�
J sighed.He loved Zeba but seeing the horror clearly on her face he knew he had to calm down and not do something stupid,for her sake.He didn�t care if he got hurt but knowing that they would be able to harm Zeba again was enough to make him close the door and drove further. The drive went on in silence until they finally arrived at home and Zeba gently whispered�Thank you J.�
J looked at the girl next to him and shook his head.�No need to thank me.I was acting too impulsive again.�Zeba smiled and gave J a kiss on the lips,who was glad to return it.They sat there making out in the cold car for several minutes until J said�Let�s continue inside.� They went upstairs,lost in a deep kiss,right to J�s bedroom.There he laid her down on the soft bed,joining her right after.Zeba looked up in his blue eyes,which almost seemed navy in the dark room,and snogged him again in a flow of passion�
It was the next morning when they both woke up by the sound of the alarmclock.Zeba opened her eyes sleepily,turning over to recieve her goodmorning-kiss from J.He smiled at her and said�I�ve been thinking and made the decision not to let my anger control me so much anymore and to only listen to you from now on.�
Zeba laughed happily and gave her boyfriend a huge hug before he stated�I gotta get up angel,no matter how much I would love to stay here with you.�
�I know.�
J sat at the side of the bed,rubbing his eyes with clenched fists,but then finally got up.Zeba followed him with her eyes as he walked past her side of the bed,grinning widely as she watched his bare bum walking out of the room and towards the bathroom.Once again she smiled to herself,turning on her side again to catch a little more sleep before she had to go to work�


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